Single Photon Emitters in Two Dimension

Since 2015, single photon emitter (SPE) has been discovered in the two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN), rendering 2D materials a new playground for quantum optics and quantum information sciences (QIS). Exhibiting narrower linewidth and longer lifetime, SPEs show distinct properties from the host (e.g. monolayer WSe2), while in the meantime inheriting the spin-valley physics from the monolayer.

Entanglement of a single photon and chiral phonons [1]

Entanglement of a single photon and chiral phonons [1]

Optical initialization of a single resident spin [2]

Optical initialization of a single resident spin [2]

 [1] Xiaotong Chen*, Xin Lu*, Sudipta Dubey*, Qiang Yao, Sheng Liu, Xingzhi Wang, Qihua Xiong, Lifa Zhang and Ajit Srivastava. Entanglement of single-photons and chiral phonons in atomically thin WSe2. Nature Physics 15, 221-227, 2019.

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[2] Xin Lu*, Xiaotong Chen*, Sudipta Dubey*, Qiang Yao, Weijie Li, Xingzhi Wang, Qihuaxiong Xiong and Ajit Srivastava. Optical initialization of a single spin-valley in charged WSe2 quantum dots. Nature Nanotechnology 14, 426-431, 2019.

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